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At Olive Tree Mediation, we provide trauma-informed mediation services with compassion.

You don't have to go into conflict alone.

Conflict can tear us apart. It is overwhelming when communication breaks down, mutual understanding feels impossible, and you can’t see a path forward.

You don’t have to give up yet. You don't have to navigate those hard conversations alone. Let us help you explore a way to preserve your relationships.

Photo of three women smiling, one in orange, one in green, one in white

This workshop will offer training in apology, gentle communication, and exploring the restorative mediation process. 

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They were amazing at making my client feel heard, and that her position was valued. They began building trust between the parties!
My mediation was actually a life-giving experience and brought a much needed restoration to a relationship I really value.
Mediating with you was a 100% positive experience that I am hopeful I will have again!
photo of rough wood conference table in gorgeous natural light
simple hand drawn olive branch logo

navigating conflict  |  restoring relationships

As mediators, we create a safe place where each party can be heard and understood. Our reliable process identifies each party’s needs and concerns. We help both sides to generate agreed-upon results and resolve problems together.


Olive Tree Mediation partners with each party in a sensitive, confidential, and unbiased manner. 

photo of olive branch on dark wood background


Conflict is a natural result of our relationships with others. Even our most cherished and loving relationships can be affected by conflict when our needs, desires, and beliefs are overlooked, misunderstood, or disrespected. It can be difficult to explore grievances and disagreements because we often respond to conflict with fear. We can fear being hurt, fear losing the relationship completely, and fear failing our loved ones, friends or co-workers. Instead of embracing the conflict, we avoid it in the hopes of preserving what is left of our relationship. Yet, the tension continues.

This place of tension often leads to silence instead of communication. As mediators, we link arms with those experiencing conflict and offer a pathway to connection that can dispel anxiety and foster honest communication.

Restorative mediation holds the potential for hope and healing in your relationship.

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Need some help with conflict?

Message us to schedule a free consultation

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Address: 3150 E 41st St, Suite 109, Tulsa, OK 74105

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